Station Configuration

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Station Configuration

The station configuration is accessed through the Configuration Menu (denoted by the cog icon) and allows operators to record some generic information about the station.

This information falls into two sections.



The general data in this section covers the global settings that are used by the Congrego® software, these fields include:


Station Name

The name used to identify the station.


Once set, it will be shown on the navigation bar for all to see (Note: Anyone can see this, you aren't required to be logged in to view)


Molecular Formula Temperature

This is the reference temperature to be used by Congrego® when performing automatic conversions.

The value defaults to 0.0 degrees Celsius and is typically either 0.0, 20.0 or 25.0 ︒C.

The temperature units can be set to Celcius, Farenheit or Kelvin.



The latitude, longitude and altitude of the station denote the physical location.


Enable Guest

The Enable Guest toggle switch allows guest users to access Congrego® without having to log in to the system.

This functionality will allow a Guest user to view dashboards but not the rest of the system.



The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a protocol used for sending emails between servers.

When enabled, Congrego® can send reports and data via email on a set schedule.



Toggle the enabling and disabling of the SMTP functionality with this switch.



Consult your network administrator for the following settings



The actual SMTP servers specification e.g.



The port to use on the server, usually port 25 but port 587 can also be used.


User Name/Password

These fields are used as part of the security to access the server


Enable SSL

SMTP email transfer doesn't provide any encryption. Enable the SSL functionality for a secure connection.


From Address/From Name

An email address and name that will be used to identify the sender of the email